Tryout and Team Formation Process

Tryout and Team Formation Process

Welcome to the PRIDE SC Tryout and Team Formation information page for the 2024-2025 season!  PSC will be providing multiple opportunities to join a team for the 2024-2025.  Please see all of the details below and let us know if you have any questions!


Step 1

Create a Demosphere account via or login to current account and register for 2024-2025 Tryouts.  Picture and Birth Certificate is needed to compete registration.  Email address used during the registration process should be the email you want 2024-2025 Team offers and uniform order information sent to. 


2024-2025 Tryout Registration Link

Step 2

Current PRIDE SC players who are registered for 2024-2025 Tryouts and are in good standing, can be given the opportunity to commit back to a team/age group.  Current players will train alongside new players at open tryouts.   They do not need to attend a traditional or supplemental tryout date unless a PSC Staff Coach or Director recommends attending.  Offers can also be made to players for the entire age group (ie – 2015 Boys), with a particular team (ie – Copa or Samba) placement coming at a later time or once the 24-25 season begins.   All current PSC players are continually evaluated for team placement during the season and Copa/Samba teams will be mixed at times during the season to assess players who can move up/down within the age group.  Extra training sessions or combining teams during training for further player evaluation may occur during this process.  Please note that players are evaluated for team placement based on the needs of the team and each age group every year. Current players are NOT guaranteed to be offered a spot back on the same team as the current season.  Offers to current players will be made throughout the month of May.  The timing of offers will depend on the dynamics of each age group. 


For the best 2024-2025 PSC Team placement, all players new to PRIDE SC (not currently on a PSC Team) are recommended to attend a PRIDE SC “open tryout” sessions (dates below) in conjunction with PSC team training sessions or supplemental tryouts.   After completing 2024-2025 Tryout Registration (link above). 

The tryout and team formation process is fluid and some age groups may differ on exact timing of team formation and team offers.  Players may receive team offers throughout the process in May. It is better to attend open training sessions and tryouts earlier in the month.

Please contact Mark Casperson (Girls Teams) or Alex Wentz (Boys Teams) regarding team openings and opportunities to tryout if not able to attend open tryouts.  




2018 (U7) – 2014 (U11) Boys and Girls, Heritage Baptist Fields

Mon, 5/13 
5:45-7pm 2015, 2014 Boys

Tue, 5/14
5:15-6:30pm – 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 Girls

6:45-8pm – 2018, 2017, 2016 Boys

Wed, 5/15 
5:45-7pm - 2015, 2014 Boys

Thu, 5/16
5:15-6:30pm - 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 Girls

6:45-8pm - 2018, 2017, 2016 Boys


2013 (U12) – 2012 (U13) Boys, Heritage Baptist Fields

Tue, 5/14 - 5:15-6:30pm – 2013, 2012

Thu, 5/16 - 5:15-6:30pm – 2013, 2012 


2013 (U11) – 2010 (U15) Girls, CW Middle School

Wed, 5/15
5-6:30pm – 2011, 2010 
6:45-8pm – 2013, 2012 

Mon, 5/20

5-6:30pm – 2011, 2010 
6:45-8pm – 2013, 2012 

2011 (U14) – 2006 (U19) Boys, Various Locations

Mon, 5/13 at CWMS and Walnut Creek Park
5-6:30pm – 2007, 2006

6:30-8pm – 2010, 2009, 2008

Tue, 5/14 at Walnut Creek Park
6:30-8pm - 2011

Wed, 5/15 at Teays Valley High School Turf
5-6:30pm – 2007, 2006

6:30-8pm - 2009, 2008

Wed, 5/15 at Walnut Creek Park 
6:30-8:00pm – 2010

Thu, 5/16 at Walnut Creek Park
6:30-8pm – 2011

2009 (U15) – 2006 (U19) Girls, CW Middle School

Tue, 5/14
5-6:30pm – 2007, 2006

6:30-8pm – 2009, 2008

Thu, 5/16
5-6:30pm – 2007, 2006

6:30-8pm – 2009, 2008



Heritage Baptist, 300 Groveport Road, Canal Winchester, OH 43110

Canal Winchester Middle School and Walnut Creek Park (behind CWMS),
7155 Parkview Dr, Canal Winchester, OH 43110

Teays Valley High School Stadium, 3887 OH-72, Ashville, OH 43103


Step 3

 “Supplemental Tryouts”

(Only If Necessary Not Recommended For Best Placement, Teams May be Full)

U7 (2018) - U12 (2013):  Tuesday, May 28, 6:00-7:30pm

U13 (2012) – U19 (2006): Wednesday, May 29, 6:00-7:30pm


All supplemental tryouts will be held at:
Canal Winchester Middle School and Walnut Creek Park,
7155 Parkview Drive, Canal Winchester, OH 43110


Final Step - Commitment Process:
All current and new players who registered/attend 2024-2025 Tryouts  will be contacted during the team formation process regarding their team offer.  If you have questions about the specific team, please do not hesitate to ask the director or head coach. 

When a player is offered a spot, they will be asked to either accept or decline the offer as soon as possible – preferably within 48 hours of the offer.   To make this process as efficient as possible for 700+ players, electronic email offers will be the primary way offers are made, most players will not receive a phone call.  Parents are expected to check their email(s) during this process. 
In order to fully accept, players must select “accept” in the registration system, and then click to pay the deposit online.

Registration Items Needed To Secure Spot On a Team:

  1. Proof of Birth: Can be U.S. Birth Certificate, U.S. Passport, Green Card, or State I.D. 
  2. Photo ID:  Head shot picture of the player, please no full body shots or action shots. 
  3. US Club Player Membership Form: This is completed electronically in DEMOSPHERE
  4. Non-Refundable Commitment Deposit of $250.   Payment can be set up online via a credit card in your DEMOSPHERE Account.  Checks made payable/mailed to Pride Soccer Club must be received within 5 days of acceptance.
  5. SafeSport Certification:  ONLY Required for players who turn 18 before 6/30/25. Information will be emailed to you. 

    Failure to complete all registration materials & deposit can result in loss of spot on the team


Uniform Ordering (NEW UNIFORMS FOR 2024-2025):  Will be done online through Soccer Plus.  Instructions for ordering will be emailed.  You can also click HERE for more information.

Please contact Club Administrator, 
Lisa Reade, if you have any questions regarding Uniforms or Registration Items. 


Contact Us

Contact Us

Pride Soccer Club
PO Box 764
Canal Winchester, OH 43110